domestic violence, educational empowerment, socio-educational supportAbstract
The article deals socio-educational support for women experiencing domestic violence in the context of a pandemic. Domestic violence is a fairly common problem, but it is still often overlooked. It is usually analysed from a purely social or criminogenic perspective. There is a lack of a holistic approach to the phenomenon of violence, emphasizing the possibilities of educational empowerment. In the context of the pandemic, the possibilities for both social assistance and educational empowerment have changed. The information disclosed in the article is relevant for institutions and communities that face with the need to organize professional help for domestic violence victims during the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The theoretical parts of article contain the analysis of the publications made on the domestic violence and socio-educational support, educational empowerment process of the review. The empirical part of the research present how Covid-19 pandemic situation affects the provision of socio-educational assistance to women experiencing violence.
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