Emotional Component in the Development of a Pre-schooler’s will


  • Dagnija Vigule




development of will, interest, joy, pre-schooler


The significance of emotions in the formation of the pre-schooler’s will should be emphasized, as joy and interest are activating work of the person and increasing activity and action that both are indicators of will. Limitations in the child’s performance, assigning him/her a passive role, and damping of the pre-schooler’s initiative leads to the loss of a joy and in the meantime the development of will is hindered. The aim of study – theoretical and empirical research of the significance of emotional component in the development of preschooler’s will.


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How to Cite

Vigule, D. (2015). Emotional Component in the Development of a Pre-schooler’s will. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 401-408. https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2013vol1.564