
  • Marta Kosior-Kazberuk Bialystok University of Technology (PL)
  • Piotr Berkowski Wrocław University of Science and Technology (PL)



Higher Education, Internationalization, Exchange Programmes


Internationalization of universities is one of the most important processes which development can be observed in the first decade of the 21st century. This process existed all over the world  for many years, and it always was one of the engines which stimulated development of research as well as education. Many European countries entered the international market of higher education just about 30 years ago when some European projectsstarted. It boomed especially after the enlargement of EU in 2004 and participation of many countries in the creation of EHEA and ERA. However, despite many activities and programmes performed, the level of internationalization of higher education institutions in Poland is still disappointing. Effective methods of increasing internationalization of HEIs should therefore be sought. The paper presents an approach to the intensification of the internationalization process. The main goals for the activities in this field were determined.

The current state of existing programs of international exchange available for students and some other activities as summer schools, double diploma programmes, foreign language courses and international accreditations were also discussed. Current national and university programmes aiming in intensification of development of the international exchange were also described. Among operational goals of these strategies the following needs were indicated: increasing attractiveness of different universities as partners in international educational and research fields; giving international character for educational and research activities; improving the image of European higher education.



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How to Cite

Kosior-Kazberuk, M., & Berkowski, P. (2019). CURRENT PROBLEMS AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF INTERNATIONALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN POLAND. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 279-289.