
  • Madara Ivane Liepaja University (LV)
  • Baiba Trinīte Liepaja University (LV)




dysphonia, cooperation, postural alignment, breathing, vocal exercises


The aetiology of voice disorders is multifactorial. Neglecting of vocal hygiene and medical factors are common causes of voice disorders. The critical elements of the holistic approach to voice therapy are postural alignment, breathing and support, phonation and the speaking voice.

The aim of the study is to make an analysis of the efficiency of the interdisciplinary treatment approach in a client with multifactorial voice disorders.

Methods. This is a case study. The 57 years old female with moderate functional dysphonia received intervention by the vocal teacher and speech-language therapist. The following voice assessment methods were used in the study: a gathering of anamnesis, voice acoustic analysis, voice self-assessment. The vocal teacher used the following treatment methods: postural alignment exercises, Anna Sims’s breathing exercises, vocal and articulation exercises. Stemple’s Vocal function exercises, resonance therapy and biofeedback, were used by the speech-language therapist.

Results. The harmonisation of posture, breathing, vocal folds vibration was achieved during the therapy. The objective measurements demonstrate improvement in Dysphonia Severity Index as well as the Voice Handicap Index. The client demonstrated satisfaction with the improvement of voice function.

Conclusion. The cooperation of vocal teacher and speech-language therapist diversifies therapeutic approaches which allow finding unique, client-oriented intervention and achieving positive output.



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How to Cite

Ivane, M., & Trinīte, B. (2019). A COOPERATION BETWEEN VOCAL TEACHER AND SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPIST IN THE TREATMENT OF MULTIFACTORIAL VOICE DISORDERS. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 60-70. https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2019vol3.3793