battered women, educational empowerment, educational environment, intervention centresAbstract
When most women seek independence, self-realization and responsibility for their own destiny, battered women tend to be dependent, passive and seek for emotional and physical support. To achieve positive changes in private lives of battered women, providing social, legal and psychological help is not sufficient. Helping women to reject the position of a „victim“, educational empowerment is needed as well.
One of educational empowerment dimensions – empowerment by education, underlines that educational empowerment takes place by providing a person with knowledge, meanings, abilities and competences that are necessary to build one‘s life. In a case of battered women, educational aim could be as follows: to empower battered women „to live differently“, by providing knowledge, meanings, abilities and competences needed to „break free“ from a situation of abused victim.
Educational assistance is usually provided for women at intervention centres that are governmental organizations or NGOs. However, following question has not been adequately discussed: what knowledge the battered women really need? This question define the research problem of the article. In order to reveal what kind of education for battered women takes place at support institutions, a qualitative study with in-depth interviews of 10 employees from support institutions (educators) and 4 interviews of battered women was conducted during March, 2016 – January, 2017.
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