values, upbringing and socialization in the family, identity, responsibility, love, goodness, altruism, toleranceAbstract
The issues of family functioning constituted and still constitute an interesting, multidimensional and integral area of learning and research for many sciences and scientific disciplines. Among them, pedagogy, psychology and sociology are the leaders. In a special way, researchers focus on the specificity of family educational and socialization processes and their axiological and normative context. Without it, all family influences as the first and primary educative environment would be half-hearted and ineffective. The family as a primary and basic social group or a natural educational environment is a collection of people who strive for common goals, constitute an autonomous separate whole, where the attitude of building its interior are direct and indirect influences and a system of norms and values. A family understood in this way has a strong, mutual, long-lasting emotional-emotional bond; personal, direct saturation with the emotions of contact between family members; internal consistency and high involvement in activities for other members; informal, spontaneous way of organizing life within the family, community of residence, name, property and spiritual culture, and biological continuity. The family carries out the most important process for the development of the individual, namely education and socialization (Tyszka 2001, 15). Education and socialization in a family saturated with a specific normative dimension directly contribute to the optimal development of the individual in all areas of its functioning and effective fulfillment of various functions in social life. The aim of the research was to learn about the system of values in the family, which significantly contribute to shaping the identity of a child brought up in a professional foster family acting as a family emergency. I draw attention to the fact that I considered this process in a dualistic perspective, i.e. I also took into account the quality of the primary impact of families of origin of children staying in foster families in the context of educational activities of families serving as family emergency services. The presented material is a part of the research project "Foster family - an opportunity for a better future for the child" carried out at the University of Szczecin at the Faculty of Humanities. In the research process, I used a triangulation research model, i.e. I combined survey studies with a qualitative case study. The techniques used in the survey are: questionnaires for foster care coordinators, social workers, family assistants or other people supporting educational and socialization activities towards children growing up in family emergency. However, as part of a case study, qualitative interviews with foster parents and family observation were conducted.
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