
  • Evita Korna Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Engineering Institute of Education and Home Economics (LV)
  • Irēna Katane Latvia University of Agriculture Faculty of Engineering Institute of Education and Home Economics (LV)



career development, career guidance at school, professional self-determination


The professional self-determination in the modern educational environment is very important. The opportunities for pupils to choose from the aspect of global society and working environment are closely related not only to the awareness of one’s own strengths and the understanding about their applying in different professional fields, but also to the challenge presented by this age, to the understanding and acceptance of needs, integrating into the labour market in the future perspective. The aim of the article is to substantiate the concept ‘self-determination’ within the context of career development. Research methods: theoretical studies, analysis and evaluation of scientific literature and normative documentation. Professional self-determination develops in cycles in different periods of a human life, therefore that during relatively constant 1950-1980ies ensured foreseeable development of a life cycle, during 1990ies and at the beginning of the 21st century becomes a variable, because the changing conditions of global education and working environment determine that professional self-determination is important for an individual is important at different periods of life for gaining insight into own interests, abilities and needs, suitability for professional environment, professional affiliation or identity and future educational and working environment. Nowadays it is topical to facilitate the formation of the system for the career support at educational establishments, which, when evaluating existing resources, their potential and weaknesses, as well as possibilities and challenges of the development of sustainable society, could implement the conception of the local scale career support system, which would provide long-term return and as a result of the implementation of which there would be facilitated the professional self-determination of young people. 


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How to Cite

Korna, E., & Katane, I. (2017). THE CONCEPT OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION IN THE CONTEXT OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 28-39.