
  • Mārīte Rozenfelde Rēzeknes Augstskola (LV)



students with special needs, inclusive education process, teachers attitude, support


Teachers working in classrooms is a key resource to achieve the objective of creating an inclusive education process in a general education institution. Students with special needs require a teacher, who sees and understands what happens around, acts on a basis of this understanding. The article presents a review of research carried out in 2013 on attitude of practicing teachers - Rezekne Higher Education Institution part-time students - in various regions of Latvia with regard to implementation of inclusive education in general education institutions and understanding of the idea of inclusion. For an inclusive school to be realized, many issues depend on teachers' attitudes towards students with needs, from the fact whether teachers have the needed skills, abilities, knowledge, pedagogical approaches, techniques, methods, materials that would help to cope with the diversity, as well as whether a teacher receives the required support from both a school and outside it


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How to Cite

Rozenfelde, M. (2015). INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN GENERAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: ASSESSMENT OF TEACHERS - STUDENTS. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 92-100.