
  • Ojārs Rode Biedrības Tautskolas 99 baltie zirgi pamatskola (LV)



holistic school, the life quality, sustainable education, values oriented environment, values oriented environment principles


The paper describes the study of dealing with the problem of the life quality of school learners in a particular general education school in Latvia. It provides the analysis of literary sources, home pages of holistic schools and, using the methods of action research, values oriented environment principles set by folk primary school educators. The study elaborates 11 principles that correspond to the definition of values oriented environment of folk primary school and general human values: those of freedom, cooperation, kindness, you reap as you have sown, truth, purity, courage to face oneself, love, self, trust, and serving. The study proves the correspondence of the principles set by folk primary school educators with a holistic understanding of sustainable education, their personal and general significance as well as the potential readiness of the educators to build a values oriented environment of folk primary school in line with them


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How to Cite

Rode, O. (2015). VALUES ORIENTED ENVIRONMENT PRINCIPLES IN FOLK PRIMARY SCHOOL. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 82-91.