About the Journal

The journal “Laser Technology” is an international peer-reviewed journal published online by the Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia).  The aim of the journal “Laser Technology” is to offer scientists an international forum to publish research of laser technologies.

The journal “Laser Technology” is published once a year in open access electronic form.

The journal “Laser Technology” Editorial Team:

Editor-in-chief: Dr. sc. ing. Lyubomir Lazov
Deputy Editor-in-chief: Dr. sc. ing. Artis Teilāns
Asssistant to Editor-in-Chief: Dr. agr. Liena Poiša

The journal “Laser Technology” has an international scientific editorial board where work scientists from Latvia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Bulgaria.

All the papers are anonymously reviewed.

The Journal accepts papers in the English languages.


We kindly invite researchers to submit their papers for publishing in the international peer-reviewed journal “Laser Technology”.

All articles should comply with the ‘Guidelines for Authors’. Articles should be submitted in English and they must not be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Assistant to Editor-in-Chief: Dr. agr. Liena Poiša:  lasertech@rta.lv  

The call for papers is announced at least once a year in March.

Articles should be submitted here:

In order to submit your article, you must login or register as author: Register here

After the registration is complete you can create a new paper submission in the Dashboard section.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in the journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

* regarding publishing, content, etc.: lasertech@rta.lv;   
* technical issues: gundega.teilane@rta.lv