
  • Roberta Steinberga Riga Technical University (LV)



dialogic method, monologic method, study process


Higher education, faced with many of today's global challenges, focuses on innovative approaches to the organization of the study process, which will be able to professionally prepare and develop students' thinking. It is important for social science students, especially future social science professionals, to develop a holistic experience. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze monological and dialogic methods in the study process. Studies based on verbal text knowledge transfer develop the working memory of a social science professional, but the ability to navigate and work in real professional situations remains very weak. It is hoped that students will acquire the necessary skills in practice, although in reality the acquired theoretical knowledge exists separately from the specific case and the ability to work with this case. The conclusions show, that it is necessary not only to teach students to work with a large amount of information, but also to highlight the importance of how to apply it in practice and whether it is possible at all. The most important conclusions show, that by using the dialogic method, students delve into various events, they develop an "image" of the topic, a context is formed for knowledge, an understanding of the studied phenomena is gained, and experience is formed. In order to implement the dialogic method, the teacher places significant emphasis on group relations and processes. Ideally, all group processes become study processes. The method of the article is the analysis of theoretical literature.


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How to Cite

Steinberga, R. (2023). MONOLOGIC AND DIALOGIC METHOD IN THE PROCESS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE STUDIES. Education Reform: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 1, 75-93.