creativity, nature of creativity, factors affecting creativity, development of creativity, 6-7 year old childrenAbstract
Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas. Creativity is of great importance nowadays, because this skill is in demand in society. It is useful for preschool and school-aged children, when performing the tasks assigned by teachers in an educational institution, as well as applying this skill in solving household problems. At a later stage of life, when a person has already started his independent life - in solving everyday problems or in a professional career, where non-traditional solutions are needed. The aim of the article is to theoretically study the factors affecting creativity and analyze the possibilities of creativity development in 6-7 year old children. In the first part of the article studies and analyzed creativity in the theories of scientists and the factors affecting the development of creativity. The second part of the article analyzes and interprets the triangular evaluation data obtained from 2 groups teachers and 8 children's parents, who evaluated creativity development of 10 children. There are many different factors that affect the development of creativity, so the teacher should be creative and competent in order to be able to apply both the right methods and create an environment favorable to the development of creativity.
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