Sources of Pedagogical Experience in the Study Process
pedagogical experience, self-education, sources, student, studyAbstract
The publication describing the studies in the education of prospective teachers, raises student learning as important and purposeful, constructive and conscious process of experience formation in the institution of higher education. Individual achievements in professional careers are based on the quality of acquired education and personality’s competitiveness in the labor market. Studies in the institution of higher education are an imposing source and means for advancement of future teacher's professional identity and pedagogical expertise, whose potential opportunities according to the cognitions of pedagogy theory of social constructivism are not fully applied in practice. In order to meet the public demand for excellence and creativity in educational practice at school, there is a need for a qualified and skilled educator. The objective of this paper is to describe student, prospective teacher sources of formation of pedagogical experience and their developing potential in the study process within the institution of higher education.References
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