Improvement of Pedagogical Staff ’ s Training to Multilevel Activity of Education Managers


  • Yashin Ismadiyarov Tashkent State Pedagogical University (UZ)
  • Ravil Isyanov Tashkent State Pedagogical University (UZ)



Managing activity, many level character, management of education, methods of, management, social-physiological methods


In this Article are considered some features of Training and improving of the young managing specialists in High educational establishments.The managing and pedagogical activity of the teacher is directed to the achievement of High skilled specialist Training.The Feature of the management of educational institution consists many levels character of management education.There are stressed three main levels – administrative-managing, the management of the a pedagogical process, self-managing.The main aim of the first level of management is organization and foundation of a whole system, effective activity, directing to providing of High top-marketing specialists the second level is realized by the way of organization activity of a pedagogical staff.The third level is considered as selfmanaging activity of education managers.The results of investigation showed that management and self-management and organization of pedagogical process serve for productive activity of preparation managers for education


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How to Cite

Ismadiyarov, Y., & Isyanov, R. (2015). Improvement of Pedagogical Staff ’ s Training to Multilevel Activity of Education Managers. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 104-113.