Developing pre-schooler`s intellectual skills with arts classes


  • Ligita Priede Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (LV)
  • Dagnija Vigule Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (LV)



a pre- schooler, art activities, intellectual skills


Research aims at drawing attention to theoretical and empirical aspects significant for development of pre-schooler intellectual skills in arts classes. Things enriching child’s personality, physical, intellectual and mental world largely depend upon surrounding environment, closest people and society in general. This factor is of a great significance in pedagogue activities with pre-school children, when getting the first ideas about the world, people, things, phenomena, personal abilities and possibilities. Pedagogue should plan activities in a way ensuring promotion of child’s own initiative, cognitive activity and set tasks, basing on child’s previous experience, thus furthering development of intellectual skills. Artistic and practical activities include all mutually related thinking operations that stimulate acquisition of intellectual skills within meaningful situations.


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How to Cite

Priede, L., & Vigule, D. (2015). Developing pre-schooler`s intellectual skills with arts classes. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 581-588.