Actvization of Self-guided Learning in Process of Implementation of Education


  • Daina Pūre Riga Technical University Liepaja Branch (LV)



active studies, the process of implementation of education, self-guided learning, independent work, a student


The topic of the research is– Activization of self-guided studies in process of implementation of education .Education is continuous process of improvement of knowledge and skills and essential means for development of personality.Self-guided learning is the outline where an individual assumes responsibility for his/her planning of work, using of knowledge,evaluation of work.The aim of the research:to find out possibilities how to promote development of self-guided learning competences based on active studies. To reach the advanced aim there is being worked out hand-outs at math and there is being done a practical probation of them paying attention to approach independent work.


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How to Cite

Pūre, D. (2015). Actvization of Self-guided Learning in Process of Implementation of Education. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 217-224.