Social and Psychlogical Aspect of the Existence of a Modern Family as a Component of the Safety of its Psychological Health


  • Olha Makukh Berezhansky Agrotechnical Institute of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (UA)



family, family values, multinational family, neurotization, psychological health, role relationship


The article describes the psychological peculiarities of a family, the mechanism of its existence in modern society. The reasons of the damage to the psychological health of a family caused by social and economic factors are considered. New social tendencies, labour migration, which is a part of Ukrainian society, caused the appearance and the systemic increase of the number of multinational families. Distance role relationships in such families have negative effect on the upbringing of children, the level of anxiety and neurotization of such spouses is increasing. The commendatory part for the couples in order to ensure their psychological comfort should be the views on their common values, systemic communication, and the ability to plan and spend their spare time.


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How to Cite

Makukh, O. (2015). Social and Psychlogical Aspect of the Existence of a Modern Family as a Component of the Safety of its Psychological Health. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 265-275.