diagnostics of special educational needs, disablement, educational psychological centres, equal access, non-discrimination, special educational needsAbstract
The article provides information on extensive research of the profundity (degree) measurement of special educational needs (SEN) of children, pupils and students with disablement in the Czech Republic. The research was based on more than 80 thousands records of contacts with children with disablement. The authors answer the following questions: Are there any differences in the assessment of the SEN for each type of disablements? Are there any differences in the same assessment for each type of educational consultancy facilities? Which methods of the assessment of the SEN’s extent are available (and which are required)? What are the consequences of incorrect diagnostics of SEN? The research has shown an inadequate legislative expression of procedural assessment of the impact of disablement for the education purposes. It also confirmed that very few suitable standardized measuring tools are available in the area of special pedagogical diagnostics (as opposed to psychological diagnostics).References
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