adult educators, edueval project, evaluationAbstract
In recent years, there have been significant changes in the field of adult education. These changes have brought new opportunities for adult educators, expanding the types of programs offered to adult learners. The increasing role and spreading of adult education has given rise to the issue of adult educators' evaluation, because of overarching goal of evaluation is to improve the quality of the work of an institution. This paper focuses on EduEval (Evaluation for the Professional Development of Adult Education Staff), an EU funded project which is grounded in an action-research based on the active involvement of practitioners engaged in adult educators’ evaluation. The project aims at investigating the issue of adult educators' evaluation in some European countries (which are: Latvia, Italy, Poland, Spain and Greece). Thus paper illustrates the project objectives, and reports from the scientific approach which is used by Personality Socialization Research Institute (PSRI) of Rezeknes Augstskola (Latvia) to conduct an explorative survey on evaluation practices in the specific scope of adult social educators.References
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