How to Train Evaluators of Adult Education Staff at a European Level? Towards the Design of a Pilot Curriculum in Edueval Project
Adult Education, Collaborative approach, EduEval, Evaluation, Grundtvig, Lifelong Learning, TrainingAbstract
The evaluation of professionals involved in Adult Education staff has a crucial role in order to guarantee the quality of Adult Education (AE). EduEval is a project of the LLP Grundtvig Programme, coordinated by University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy (, established with the main objective of redefining the professional profile of the evaluator of Adult Education staff. In this framework, six partners from five European countries work with a collaborative approach. The project offers a new methodology in the field of AE that arises from the importance of a cooperation between practitioners of the AE staff and academic researchers. The paper focuses on the pilot course designed by University of Bari to create a curriculum for the initial training of the professionals involved in the evaluation of AE staff.References
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