
  • Remigijus Bubnys Siauliai University (LT)
  • Greta Pilkienė Siauliai university (LT)
  • Benas Gudinavičius Šiauliai State College, Šiauliai (LT)




competence, teacher, learning to learn, reflection


This article analyses teachers' self-assessment of the competencies of learning to learn and reflection in the context of school as a learning organization. The survey in the form of a written questionnaire was performed and 141 teachers of the city of Vilnius have participated in it. The research reveals the self-assessment results of the skills in the field of time evaluation, planning and management; information search, perception, systematization and adaptation; communication and cooperation in group; and reflection. Teachers highlight the sufficiency of the time distribution for tasks and deadlines skills; awareness and lower level skills of systematization of the information; skills of reception of comments from the members of the group, their consideration or the listening and understanding of the views of the members; skills of abstract conceptualization, which are related to drawing conclusions and anticipating ideas for the future.



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How to Cite

Bubnys, R., Pilkienė, G., & Gudinavičius, B. (2020). TEACHERS’ SELF-ASSESSMENT OF THE COMPETENCIES OF LEARNING TO LEARN AND REFLECTION IN THE CONTEXT OF SCHOOL AS A LEARNING ORGANIZATION. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 109-118. https://doi.org/10.17770/sie2020vol3.4955