
  • Natalia Podkhodova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg (RU)
  • Helen Fefilova Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute, Russia (RU)
  • Natalia Mikusheva Department of Education of the Pushkin District Administration of St. Petersburg, Russia (RU)



levels of development of reflective abilities, "many-valued" problems, reflective abilities, students in grades 7-9, teaching geometry, a situation of choice


A reflective ability as an ability to comprehend one’s experience, knowledge, evaluations is a psychological condition of thinking activity. But in researches, reflection is mainly considered as an indicator of a high level of thinking, creativity, the ability to analyze, types of reflection are not distinguished. For teaching mathematics, the development of intellectual reflection is especially important. In our study, the problem of the development of intellectual reflection is identified as an independent one. As a means of its development, we proposed geometric "many-valued" problems in which a situation of choice is organized. Three levels of development of reflective abilities in teaching geometry, in accordance with certain types of reflection are distinguished. The purpose of the study is to find out whether the level of development of students' reflection will change if "many-valued" problems are used in geometry. Is there a correlation of the manifestation of reflection on the geometric content and the content of another object? The experiment involved 375 students. The Pearson criterion was used in processing the results. The inclusion of "many-valued" problems in teaching geometry showed an increase in the level of formation of reflective skills of students and the transfer of these skills to another subject.



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How to Cite

Podkhodova, N., Fefilova, H., & Mikusheva, N. (2020). REFLECTIVE ABILITIES OF STUDENTS: WAYS AND MEANS OF DEVELOPMENT WHILE STUDYING GEOMETRY. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 493-504.