The family and pre-school collaboration role for the child's preparation to school
students with visual impairments, interaction, pre-school, preparation of school, environments, socialization, social preparadnessAbstract
The child's preparation for school is a period of laying the foundations for a child's future social inclusion. Children's preparation for school is as important a problem as the child's comprehensive development of pre-school age. Preparation for school is a continuous process that starts from the arrival of the child's pre-school and continues until the transition for school. Preparation for school is a socialization process that is child self-determination in the new social environment basis. Socialization, comprehensive child's preparation for school is a very important problem that exists preschools for students with visual impairments. Modern education is a main objective the child's individuality educational support. The child's personality development can be only in a family and pre-school collaboration.
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