Modern Tendencies Indevelopment of Pedagogical Staff's Professional Development System


  • Mukhabbat Mirsolieva Deputy director, Head scientific methodological center (UZ)
  • Umida Giyasova Head of department, Head scientific methodological center (UZ)
  • Anvar Sultanov Researcher, Head scientific methodological center (UZ)



competence, ways and methods of professional development, distance learning courses, mentoring, individual programs


The article considers the essence of the training as the basis for teachers’ professional competence development. The comparative analysis of organization of teachers’ professional developmentin foreign countries.The efficient ways, methods and main types of organizing higher educational institution teachers’ professional developmentin different countries of the worldare described there.


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How to Cite

Mirsolieva, M., Giyasova, U., & Sultanov, A. (2015). Modern Tendencies Indevelopment of Pedagogical Staff’s Professional Development System. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 1, 265-274.