
  • Mirdza Paipare Liepaja University (LV)
  • Liga Engele Liepaja University (LV)
  • Olga Blauzde Liepaja University (LV)



Bachelor’s thesis, life-long education, music teacher, research skills


We live in the age when research skills are required regardless of person’s field of activity and experience, therefore it is important to acquire the research skills as key competences already in the school years. Also it is possible to purposefully develop the research skills working on the course papers, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis and doctoral dissertation. In Liepaja University, the Bachelor's study program Teacher/ Music teacher gives the students the opportunity to participate in the development of science, ensuring the academic research principles in the science of pedagogy.

The authors of this article analyse the choice of research topics selected by the students of Liepaja University, study program Teacher/ Music teacher, as well as the content of the Bachelor’s papers, evaluating the applied research skills. The aim of this research: to explore the students' ability to apply the research skills in the process of Bachelor's thesis development. The research method: This study is designed as analysis and review of the defended Bachelor's thesis. As the result, the topicality and specifics of the Bachelor’s papers is evaluated, keeping in mind the selected qualifications in the context of lifelong education, also analysing the students' ability to apply the research skills while working on Bachelor's thesis.


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How to Cite

Paipare, M., Engele, L., & Blauzde, O. (2018). APPLYING THE RESEARCH SKILLS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF BACHELOR’S THESIS. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 5, 206-212.