
  • Karol Konaszewski <p>Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology</p> <p>University of Białystok</p> (PL)
  • Wioleta Danilewicz <p>University of Białystok</p> (PL)
  • Tomasz Sosnowski <p>University of Białystok</p> (PL)



sense of coherence, youth, adolescents, stress, coping


The objective of the article is the answer to the question if the level of the sense of coherence is linked with stress-coping styles in the group of subjects. It was assumed that in the group of youth the sense of coherence would positively correlate with stress-coping strategies based on problem-solving and looking for social contacts, whereas negatively with strategies based on emotion display (Płaczkiewicz, Tucholska 2009).The study was conducted on a group of 149 teenagers of both sexes, aged 14-18 years. The research employed the Life Orientation Questionnaire (SOC-29) by A. Antonovsky and the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) Questionnaire by N.S. Endler and J.D.A Parker. In the group of youth, correlation coefficients indicate a moderate, positive relationship of the sense of coherence and a sense of comprehensibility with a task-focused style. There was also a positive correlation between the general sense of coherence (and three components: a sense of comprehensibility, a sense of manageability and a sense of meaningfulness) and looking for social contacts. Statistically significant correlation coefficients were also obtained between the emotion-focused style and the general sense of coherence and its two components. The  results of this study have important implications. They allow for a better understanding of the sense of coherence that contribute to the stress-coping styles among youth. Future interventions could be based on the strengthening of sense of coherence in analyzed group.



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How to Cite

Konaszewski, K., Danilewicz, W., & Sosnowski, T. (2017). ADOLESCENTS’ SENSE OF COHERENCE VS COPING IN STRESSFUL SITUATIONS. PILOT STUDY. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 3, 194-203.