
  • Aivis Dombrovskis University of Daugavpils (LV)



Identity crisis, female, female students, identity, Identity Distress Survey, IDS, IKA, Latvia, students, social environment, sociodemographic indicators


This paper reflects the results of a study that was aimed at finding links between identity crises and the sociodemographic indicators of first-year female students at Latvian universities.  The research cohort consists of 501 (N = 501) students aged 18 to 27 (M = 20.33; SD = 1.937).  The author used the Identity Distress Survey (IDS) for the research (Berman, et al., 2004), as well as the sociodemographic data of the students.  The Spearman correlation coefficient was used to analyse links between IDS indicators, and detailed analysis of links between IDS factors was also conducted.



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