
  • Valentīna Romenkova Latvijas universitāte (LV)



the image of the world, the frightening of children in the process of education, the content of adults’ threats to children in the process of education


The article attempts to generalize data on such a complex pedagogical and psychological phenomenon as the deliberate frightening of children by adults. Despite an obvious or apparent harm, it is still included in the established set of methods of family education. In our study, we studied the origins of this phenomenon, the degree of its prevalence in the practice of family education at the present time, and the consequences of using threats in the process of education in the assessments of the adults who were brought up in this way.

To achieve the research objectives, a number of former children who were frightened in childhood by their parents, the content of adults’ threats, the motives for frightening children and its influence on the further development of the child were studied.



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How to Cite

Romenkova, V. (2018). FRIGHTENING OF CHILDREN BY PARENTS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 26-40.