
  • Marija Vasalauskiene Daugavpils Logopedic Boarding School (LV)
  • Svetlana Ušča Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)



adolescents, connected speech, physical balance


The development of connected speech is one of the more difficult areas to improve for pupils with language disorders. The paper presents the characteristics and approbation results of the program that is worked out for the development of connected speech for 10-11 year old adolescents and designed within the framework of social and emotional learning approaches. The program includes not only speech therapy exercises for the development of connected speech, but also physical exercises for the development of coordination, including balance.

The aim of the paper is to draw teachers' attention to the connection between pupils' physical activity and learning achievements and physical activity integration opportunities in teaching and corrective work.

Within the framework of the research, a theory-based correction program for the development of connected speech for 10-11 year old adolescents with language disorders and criteria for determining the level of connected speech were developed. In order to verify the effectiveness of the program, the obtained data were compared before and after the program's approbation: 1) the level of adolescents' connected speech; 2) the measurements with the balance testing device BIOSWAY. The software SPSS 22.0 was used for the data analysis.

It has been concluded that regular activities for the development of general coordination is one of the pedagogical tools in connected speech correction and development work.


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How to Cite

Vasalauskiene, M., & Ušča, S. (2017). IMPROVEMENT OF CONNECTED SPEECH FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH LANGUAGE DISORDERS. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 83-93.