
  • Maija Ročāne Liepaja University (LV)
  • Alīda Samuseviča Liepaja University (LV)



Debating, responsibility, social responsibility, socially responsible education, student


Since the individual effectiveness of one’s action has been proposed as one of the main demands of modern society, competence has become a crucial element for evaluating an individual. In the period of change created by the reforms of the educational system, it is important from a pedagogical viewpoint to provide students with relevant information and to promote their knowledge. And yet, it is even more important to teach students how to think, analyze and act as well as how to take responsibility and reach their goals. However, if the information within the content of education is not relevant to the realities that we face as well as the challenges of our time, if it does not promote the necessary competences and the school does not teach civic responsibility, then the actions of adolescents may not be civically responsible in the future. The publication characterizes the possibilities for modern adolescents to discover and to develop their social competence through the pedagogical process. Their social competence is the basis for their actions in the future and their actions will shape the future local, national and global events. The data that was acquired in this research confirms the necessity for a civically responsible education as well as the possible ways to achieve a civically responsible education through the focused implementation of the method- debating in the classes of the English language. The basis of value and the self-regulating expressions of responsibility, acquired through the learning of competences, are motivating the student to act with social responsibility that is directed towards him/herself, towards others and towards the entire society.  


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How to Cite

Ročāne, M., & Samuseviča, A. (2016). THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE LEARNING IN THE MODERN CONTEXT. Education Reform in Comprehensive School: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems, 100-111.