
  • Gunta Grinberga Zalite Dr.oec, associate professor, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava (LV)
  • Joanna Hernik PhD, professor, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin (PL)
  • Evija Liepa Dr.math, assistant professor, Management College, Riga (LV)
  • Atis Papins Mg.oec, assistant professor, Management College, Riga (LV)




higher education, knowledge economy, European Union


The objective of contemporary education is to enhance the competiveness of graduates not only in the local market but also at the European Union scale; therefore, stronger co-operation with foreign education and research institutions can significantly improve the knowledge and skills of Latvian students, which can gradually contribute to Latvia’s competitiveness in high value added activities within global value chains. This, of course, underlines the increasing importance of foreign language skills. In fact, knowledge of the English language in today’s labour market is taken for granted, and the competiveness of those employees, who can speak at least three foreign languages, including one of the Scandinavian languages, is increasing. The aim of the research was to identify Latvian students’ learning experience in European countries in scope of short study mobility programmes. Based on the secondary information sources such as statistical data aggregated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia and Flash Eurobarometer Report No466, the authors have analysed Latvian students’ mobility destinations and intentions of studies abroad. The research findings suggest that currently there is a contradiction between students’ personal intentions and their real behaviour. The countries that are currently most often chosen as study mobility destinations rather offer valuable cultural experience than practical skills that could be useful in academic and professional work. 


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