
  • Irēna Silineviča Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Rezekne (LV)




Emigration, regional development, regional university


The trend in the decreasing number of inhabitants is a very significant regional problem in Latvia. During recent years many people of Latvia have emigrated as economic refugees to Ireland, the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries. More than 30% of them are well-educated young people who gained higher education in Latvia. Most of them are employed as unskilled labourers there. The potential causes of emigration of well-educated young people are analysed in this research study. The aim of the research study is to reveal potential emigration problems of the young generation and to research some opportunities for the regional university in decreasing youth emigration. Potential emigration problems are identified by using findings of a survey of students, organized at Rezekne University of Applied Sciences. The suggestions about opportunities for the regional university in decreasing youth emigration were developed by taking into account the results of the survey and cooperation possibilities between the regional university and municipalities and by changing the approach to the study process.


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