
  • Amanda Luīza Behmane Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  • Ilze Bodža Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)
  •, Mg.paed., Silvija Mežinska Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)



electronic components, design, interdisciplinary project, textile


As technologies develop rapidly and continuously, they are also successfully incorporated into fashion, integrated into clothing, along with opportunities to improve the properties of textile fabrics. Impressive innovations are being created that can not only improve the quality of people's lives, but also show the creativity of designers in diverse clothing solutions, so it is necessary to study and analyse these possibilities and experiment with the implementation of achievements in a real environment. The perception of textiles has changed significantly to include electronic components, as a result today, smart textiles have been developed, that provide the user with increased functionality.

The purpose of the study is to identify the possibilities of integrating electronic components in the context of modern fashion design. The use of electronic components and examples from designer clothing collections are analysed, showing contemporary LED options and integrating them in the design project of the clothing collection.

In the course of the research, an experimental activity has been carried out in the research centre of Metalworking and Mechatronics (MM) of Rezekne Academy of Technologies. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the results of collaborative research of design and engineering students and their application in practice of design technology. Used research methods: theoretical – research, analysis of literature and Internet resources, empirical - experiment and its data processing. Participants of the research - students of engineering and design study programs, two lecturers, researchers. Study period 2022/2023. Project development is an extensive and complicated process, in order to fully develop a clothing model, it is necessary to make several prototypes until the best result is achieved. The research is of practical importance, as it substantiates cooperation in an interdisciplinary experimental process, its results and joint research activity.


Supporting Agencies
This work was developed within the framework of the Rezekne Academy of Technologies research grant Experimental studies on the use of functional textiles to improve usability in smart clothing



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How to Cite

A. L. Behmane, I. Bodža, and S. Mežinska, “INTEGRATION OF ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS IN THE DESIGN OF FUNCTIONAL CLOTHING”, HET, no. 28, pp. 14–24, Sep. 2024, doi: 10.17770/het2024.28.8253.