Use of Lignosilicon to Improve the Harvest and Quality Parameters Of Potato


  • Galina Lebedeva Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LV)
  • Valentin Solodovnik Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LV)
  • Galina Telysheva Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LV)
  • Jānis Vigovskis LUA Agency “Research Institute of Agriculture” (LV)
  • Agrita Švarta LUA Agency “Research Institute of Agriculture” (LV)



lignosilicon, potato tuber yield, tuber quality


Lignosilicon (LSi), a plant growth activator, was synthesized at the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LS IWC) on the basis of the wood lignocellulosic complex. It is shown that LSi, used for treatment of potato tubers before sowing at low application rates of 20-40 kg/ha, has a favourable action on the yield and quality of the tubers. In comparison with the control, the additional yield achieved on the background of LSi (20-40 kg/ha) was 18-20%. The best biochemical composition was for the tubers wetted with water and LSi-treated before the sowing, i.e., the content of dry matter and starch increased by 16% and 18%, respectively, but the content of nitrates in the tubers decreased 1.6 times. LSi can be recommended for potato cultivation under conditions of conventional and organic agriculture.


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How to Cite

G. Lebedeva, V. Solodovnik, G. Telysheva, J. Vigovskis, and A. Švarta, “Use of Lignosilicon to Improve the Harvest and Quality Parameters Of Potato”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 282–286, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol2.985.