Specific of Hemp Fiber ’ S Plastic Composite Projection


  • Edgars Kirilovs Riga Technical University (LV)
  • Rita Soliženko Riga Technical University (LV)
  • Silvija Kukle Riga Technical University (LV)




biodegradable composite, mechanical properties, natural fiber, polypropylene processing, renewable resources


In the report there are reflected research results of new board type biocomposites creation for furniture and equipment manufacturing for public segment, replacing traditional petroleum-based components with fully or partly renewable, biodegradable raw materials as one of the major global environmental problems today is non-renewable resource depletion and waste of petroleum-based plastic products. Performed research of biopolymer composites development shows that they are cheaper, environmentally friendlier, lighter, more easily to recycle and to dispose at the end of the product life cycle. For biopolymer’s reinforcement industrial flax and hemp fibers in terms of mechanical qualities are competitive with the glass fiber, they are strong enough in many applications, CO2 neutral, have a relatively low cost, low production energy requirements. By creating new biocomposites it is taken into account that the designed material mechanical properties are mainly dependent on the fiber mass in the matrix, orientation and adhesion to the matrix material. The maximum theoretical amount of fiber weight in composite can reach 91%, specific weight of the fiber component used in practice is usually between 45-65%, but can reach also 70%. For improvement of the adhesion the chemical treatment and drying of the fibers need to be done, also adjuvants that promote development of the hydroxyl group links should be incorporated in the matrix.


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How to Cite

E. Kirilovs, R. Soliženko, and S. Kukle, “Specific of Hemp Fiber ’ S Plastic Composite Projection”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 310–317, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.900.