development of the system of the external and internal perspectives, education reform, external time, frequency of knowledge change , internal time, time qualitative measurement, time quantitative measurementAbstract
Time is a non-renewable resource. This feature highlights the research significance for the whole sector of education in all countries. The research aim is to analyse scientific literature on time in education underpinning the links between external and internal time. The research is exploratory. It includes theoretical explorations and theoretical modelling of links between external and internal time. The research allows concluding that time can be segmented into external and internal time. The external time and internal time are linked. External time has significantly fastened due to the knowledge growth that led to technology development. In turn, internal time remains steady. The difference between the frequency of change related the external and internal time creates dissonance between the external and internal time for individuals in general, and learners particularly. Dissonance between the external and internal time leads to lower learning achievement as well as impacts individuals’ health in a negative way. For diminishing the consequences of dissonance between the external and internal time, online studies as well as distance study programmes have been widely leveraged. The new research question is put forward: What educational methods promote the balance between learners’ external and internal time? Education reform has to become regular.
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