self-directed learning, mathematics, digital literacy, skills, motivationAbstract
During the pandemic, digital technologies had a major impact on self-directed learning in mathematics. Without digital skills and self-directed learning, everyday learning is unthinkable, as learning in 2020 has largely taken place remotely. It is important for students to acquire these skills in order to learn fully and qualitatively at a distance. These acquired skills are and will be useful in full-time studies and later in life. Digital literacy allows the student to develop self-directed learning and self-directed learning develops digital literacy. Both of these skills are interrelated and help you learn math. The student's skills are greatly influenced by internal and external life factors, which unfortunately cannot be influenced by the educational institution. Thus, these negative factors also affect the student's motivation and discipline for learning and learning outcomes are low. The research analyzes the scientific literature and emphasizes the author's personal experience.
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