competences, education, society, support, values in educationAbstract
In the main functions of education in the last century, which indicate the development of children's individuality or the importance of thinking in the educational process, creative thinking and action, it is important that these functions can be developed in a 21st century socialized student. It is important to look for solutions to new methods of adaptation in the educational process and preserving their values. It is also important to recognize that the development of a teaching method is increasingly dependent on students' willingness to learn and develop as a person. Pupil's inclusion in a new school is always associated with a psychological experience, when the pupil's emotional competence must be related to the school's microclimate. The integration of modern students in the educational institution, readiness to participate in social and civic activities, interact with teachers and their adolescents is determined by several external factors, as well as student characteristics, their individuality, physiological, mental and psychological development, emotional ability to socialize. The research includes research of scientific literature, based on existing education systems, performing analytical judgment.Purpose of the research: To identify the development of students' skills during the learning process, for their more successful integration into modern society.
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