children, the development of creation and business acumen, preschool, creativity, teachersAbstract
Nowdays the child is identified as a personality and the attention to the various ways of child’s development is focused on. A new teaching curriculum based on cross-curricular skills has been introduced in new teaching syllabus. One of the cross-curricular skills is creation and business acumen, which can also be called a creativity as one of the aspects characterizing a child in the implementation of pre-school education content, along with curiosity and joy of life. It is essentially to find out what another pre-school teachers think about the development of children's creativity in pre-school to evaluate the main factors influencing children's creativity
The aim of the article is to clarify the experience of teachers in developing creation and business acumen skills in pre-school. By studying the literature and analyzing the results of questionnaires, it is found that to develop children’s creation and business acumen in pre-school educational institutions it is important to take into account each child's individual characteristics and to make an appropriate environment. The teacher must be competent enough to be able to promote each child's creativity and business acume and to make a learning environment where the child can express himself / herself freely and creatively.
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