Fostering, Leadership, Innovation, Innovative leadership, Innovative leadership abilities, Teacher education, 21st century assessment practicesAbstract
Within the framework of Zimbabwean teacher education, this research project intends to explore the function of 21st century assessment procedures in nurturing and augmenting creative leadership abilities. Educators must cultivate inventive leadership abilities to effectively navigate the unparalleled obstacles of the technologically advanced 21st- century. Given the speed at which technology is developing and the dynamic needs of the global labour market, educational systems must ensure that aspiring educators possess the knowledge and abilities needed to lead and innovate in the classroom. Pre-service teachers in Zimbabwean teachers' colleges must acquire creative leadership abilities to be prepared for their future become instructors who are revolutionary and successful. The capacity to introduce a novel approach, service, idea, referred is an innovative leadership quality. Interviews, observations, and document analysis were research instruments used in this interpretive case study to collect data from pre-service teachers and teacher educators at a Zimbabwean Teacher College. The participants were chosen on purpose. The education system in Zimbabwe is results-driven and exam-oriented, according to research findings., Assessments of learning which encourage memorization and concept repetition are emphasised instead of transformative assessment. Recommendations call for a paradigm shift in curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment practices in teacher education. commendations call for a paradigm shift in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices in Teacher education.
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