
  • Dace Liepa Riga Technical University Liepaja Academy (LV)
  • Maija Ročāne Riga Technical University Liepaja Academy (LV)




confidence, teacher, inclusive education, motivation, pedagogical self-efficacy, positive social-emotional school environment


Nowadays we are living with conscious awareness of change around us. Therefore, openness to change and problem-solving skills become essential transversal competences for everyone. However, teachers often perceive changes in their work environment as problems rather than challenge and opportunity to improve the quality of education. Thus, persistence and creativity in solving problems becomes an important indicator of a teacher’s self-efficacy. To promote the quality of education, teachers’ pedagogical self-efficacy becomes important, which significantly affects the learning achievements of students. Pedagogical self-efficacy consists of the teacher’s confidence in abilities regarding lesson planning, student assessment, choice of teaching strategies, etc. One of the basic principles of educational progress is inclusive education and acceptance of diversity. Creating a positive school psycho-emotional environment and creative pedagogical strategies also become important. The literature review is used as a research method to summarize the theoretical foundation of the topic. Theories provide a comprehensive explanation of a particular aspect of nature of the phenomenon of self-efficacy supported by evidence. The aim of the publication is to analyse the aspects of teacher’s pedagogical self-efficacy focusing on the way it affects the quality of education, which also includes the promotion of students’ internal motivation and preventing behavioural problems.


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How to Cite

Liepa, D., & Ročāne, M. (2024). TEACHER’S PEDAGOGICAL SELF-EFFICACY FOR ENSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 1(8), 79-85. https://doi.org/10.17770/eid2024.1.7933