
  • Hennades Tabe Tabe Faculty of Education, North West University (ZA)
  • Christo Van Wyk Faculty of Education, North West University (ZA)
  • Clever Ndebele Directorate of Learning and Teaching, Mthatha Campus, Walter Sisulu University (ZA)



Accountability, Education management, Responsibility, School base management, SGB Chairpersons, School governing board


The concept of accountability has been portrayed as vital and pertinent in the field of public administration in general and education management in particular for several years. This is important at a time that stakeholders like educators have misconceptualised the purpose of accountability to mean inspection or the lack of trust which makes them uncomfortable. This study sought to develop a conceptual framework of School Governing Body (SGB) Chairperson’s perception of their accountability in selected schools with the purpose of facilitating learning and teaching outcomes. A qualitative paradigm using a multiple case study design was adopted. Data were collected through in-depth individual interviews with 3 chairpersons. The participants were purposively selected because of our discernment that as representatives on the school governing boards, they were accountable to parents as part of their managerial responsibilities. Thematic analysis of the data was used to identify emerging themes and categories. The findings reveal clarity on the practice of accountability in the broad spectrum of school management and administration as well as with policy making and implementation.
Supporting Agencies
Prof Christo Van Wyk, Prof Clever Ndebele


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How to Cite

Tabe, H. T., Van Wyk, C., & Ndebele, C. (2022). SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY CHAIRPERSONS’ PERCEPTION ON THEIR ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE RUNNING OF SCHOOLS. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 1(4), 44-56.