
  • Andromachi Nanou Department of Computer Science, International Hellenic University, Interdisciplinary Network for Special and Intercultural Education (GR)
  • Evaggelia Tsiomi Department of Computer Science, International Hellenic University, Interdisciplinary Network for Special and Intercultural Education (GR)
  • Andreas Oikonomou Department of Education, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (GR)
  • Dimitris Karampatzakis Department of Computer Science, International Hellenic University (GR)



Inclusion, Participation, Educational Robotics, Lego Mindstorms, collaboration scripts, autism


Educational Robotics in inclusive learning environments creates a wide area of research where innovative teaching practices and theoretical approaches are developed and investigated in order for the new growing educational challenges to be met. In this context, an educational intervention research was carried out using mixed research methodology. The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of the“SAS Strategy Training” a strategy that developed to foster the participation of children with autism, at level 2, in inclusive teamwork with peers during construction and programming LEGO Mindstorms. 2 children, 10-11 years old, diagnosed with autism, at level 2, participated in two inclusive educational robotics teams with typical peers. Τhe SaS Strategy has been integrated in the collaboration script that was designed to support the interaction between the team members during their collaboration on programming LEGO Mindstorms. The “SaS Strategy Training” had encouraging results in reducing the barriers of the participation of the children with autism in teamwork with their typical peers. Critical questions, reflections and new research horizons emerged. 


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How to Cite

Nanou, A., Tsiomi, E., Oikonomou, A., & Karampatzakis, D. (2022). THE SAS STRATEGY TRAINING FOR CHILDREN WITH ASD IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL ROBOTICS ACTIVITIES. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 2(3), 34-52.