
  • Jelena Zascerinska Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV) http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4664-8593
  • Anastasija Aleksejeva Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Mihails Zascerinskis Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Olga Gukovica Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Ludmila Aleksejeva Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)
  • Irina Abjalkiene Centre for Education and Innovation Research (LV)




COVID-19, Educational Process, Hyflex (Hybrid Flexible) Class Teaching, Mixed Class, On-campus Students, Remote Students’ Teaching, Teaching Sub-Phases


The COVID-19 pandemic has essentially accelerated the pace of the teaching transformation. Mixed (also hyflex) class teaching has become indispensable in medical, engineering, teacher and other fields of education when only online teaching is not enough to ensure the continuity of the instruction. The research aim is to identify scenarios of mixed class teaching underpinning the elaboration of implications for higher education. The present research used both - theoretical and empirical methods. The theoretical methods included the analysis of scientific literature, theoretical modelling, systematisation, synthesis, comparison, and generalisation. The empirical study carried out in June 2021 was exploratory. Data were collected through the analysis of published studies. The collected data were processed via content analysis. The present research allows concluding that teaching has undergone significant changes in different historical periods. The findings of the empirical study facilitate the conclusion on the existence of two scenarios of mixed class teaching, namely HOT (Here or There) and COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning). Both scenarios are oriented to students’ learning, teaching in these scenarios is neither segmented nor structured. The novel contribution of the research is revealed in the implications on mixed class teaching for higher education. Future research work was proposed. 

Supporting Agencies
Project NPHZ-2021/10050 “STEM COIL for Greener Sustainable Ecosystems, Igniting Global Classrooms” supported by Nordplus Horizontal 2021


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How to Cite

Zascerinska, J., Aleksejeva, A., Zascerinskis, M., Gukovica, O., Aleksejeva, L., & Abjalkiene, I. (2022). MIXED CLASS TEACHING AS AN EMERGING TREND ACCELERATED BY COVID-19. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 2(3), 53-65. https://doi.org/10.17770/eid2021.2.6720