
  • Pāvels Jurs Liepaja University (LV)
  • Dina Bethere Liepaja University (LV)




culturology, digital competence, educational process, history, information technology, students


Technological progress, which sets scenarios for the development of humanity, affects the pattern of human behaviour in the most direct way and becomes an integral part of life, serving as progressives and at the same time also as regressive means in the educational process. The school should follow the modern digital age so it is necessary to offer students to learn the content of learning in an interactive, understandable, achievable and educational way. In order to facilitate the interaction of the digital competence of student’s with knowledge-building in the learning process of History and Culturology, two years of development resulted in the creation of a website enabling students to learn more successfully history and culturology. It should also be noted that the European Commission highlights the digital competence as one of the key competences for lifelong learning: it is recommended that the European Union should raise and improve the level of digital competences at all stages of education and training (European Commission, 2018). The aim of this article is, highlighting the importance of digital competence and information technology in the education process, identify students' growth rates in History and Culturology studies using the learning platform developed and tested www.pavelsjurs.lv. The article reflects the introduction of innovation in the History and Culturology subjects through an open interactive learning platform that can be used in daily education at school and for online learning.


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How to Cite

Jurs, P., & Bethere, D. (2020). OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN HISTORY AND CULTUROLOGY AND TO DEVELOP DIGITAL COMPETENCE IN THE AGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Education. Innovation. Diversity., 1(1), 27-36. https://doi.org/10.17770/eid2020.1.4421