
  • Sandija Kušnere Latvijas Universitāte (LV)



music lesson, child, child development, communication development, communication skills


Object of paper – explore and discover the communication skills and musical synthesis of musical lessons in the process of working with children up to three years. The paper was used for theoretical metod – analysis of scientific literature and empirical research method – use of communication skill assessment tool in music lesson, pedagogical observations and conclusions.

The paper updates the communication skills assessment tool for children up to three years old. These are children in a social care institution until a decision is made about his future.

The author main conclusions of the study: 1. In order to ensure the environment for children in music classes, in order to promote the development of communication skills, the adult must be scientifically trained. It is important that the educational factor is based on scientific foundations. 2. The child is not an object that must constantly learn and train something. The task of adults to see the child's own initiative to participate and support their goals. At the same time to achieve mutual satisfaction with the work done. 3. The child absorbs the language long before he begins to speak so you need to give more opportunities to self–express your musical lessons. By using various musical components, the child improves his experience, as a result his communication skills are improved.




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How to Cite

Kušnere, S. (2018). COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND MUSIC – UNITING IN THE MUSIC PROCESS. ARTS AND MUSIC IN CULTURAL DISCOURSE. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 53-62.