Missa Paschalis of Romualds Jermaks in the context of the composer's sacred creative work
R. Jermaks, latvian sacred music, mass, polyphony, sacred music genresAbstract
The report is devoted to the Missa Paschalis of Romualds Jermaks (*1931) in the context of both creative work of the composer and latvian sacred music. Missa Paschalis (2009) is an example of liturgical mass. The mass is composed to large composition or performers: soprano solo, tenor solo, choir, three trumpets, organ and percussion instruments. The composer has made use of the whole traditional cycle of the mass ordinarium (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sancus, Agnus Dei) which is supplemented with proprium parts of Easter mass (Introitus: Resurrexit, Graduale: Haec dies, Offertorium: Terra tremuit, Communio: Pascha nostrum). Timbral and textural expression and imagery possibilities has been used variously. The application of traditional polyphonic forms and methods of development is done masterly.References
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Music Science for Practitioners
How to Cite
Rozenbaha, I. (2012). Missa Paschalis of Romualds Jermaks in the context of the composer’s sacred creative work. ARTS AND MUSIC IN CULTURAL DISCOURSE. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 120-128. https://doi.org/10.17770/amcd2012.1236