Possibilities of Elementary Musical Lessons for Children Communication Skills


  • Sandija Kušnere University of Latvia (LV)




activity and interaction, children, communication, environment, music making, musical development, playing and movement, toy


Object of the paper - explore the possibilities of musical lesson for the child for communication skills. The paper was used for theoretical metod - analysis of scientific literature and empirical research method – pedagogical observations of individual and group lessons. Theoretically and practically explored and described possibilities of music lessons for communication skills. The author main conclusions of the study: 1. By participating in the musical play, children are encouraged musical hearing, physical coordination, language development, emotional and social development, communication and independence skills, etc. 2. When creating classesmodels to integrate all the musical creativity components (singing, musical hearing, instrument performance, listening to music and musical play) according to the child’s level of development, which is found in the cooperation process. Then the children are motivated to participate in their own musical improvisations through which benefits their musical development and communication skills. 3. Working in the music developed models child learn new characters and concepts, learn to listen and rely on emotional song with likes and dislikes, developing musical and timbral hearing, and the metro rhythm. It also contributes to thinking, imagination, language development, speech understanding, communication skills, physical coordination, ability to independently develop creative musical improvisation, and gradually formed the experience of the music world.


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How to Cite

Kušnere, S. (2012). Possibilities of Elementary Musical Lessons for Children Communication Skills. ARTS AND MUSIC IN CULTURAL DISCOURSE. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 106-113. https://doi.org/10.17770/amcd2012.1232