
  • Armens Gabrieljans Dr. iur., Baltijas Starptautiskās akadēmijas docents (LV)



The aim of this article is to analyze the epistemological study of euthanasia, as well as provides the general description of euthanasia in the historical development of the country and legislation. Euthanasia being a socio-legal phenomenon has very ancient historical roots. However, euthanasia has been highlighted as a scientific research object only at the end of the nineteenth century; thus, euthanasia has been classified as an independent scientific approach. In the history of state and law attitude towards euthanasia phenomenon can be divided into four main periods which coincide with global stages in history of mankind. Each of these stages had specific traditions concerning the issue of this kind of ending one’s life.


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Sub-Branch of Criminal Law

How to Cite

Gabrieljans, A. (2015). THE GENESIS OF EUTHANASIA IN EVOLUTION OF STATE AND LAW. Administrative and Criminal Justice, 1(70), 11-19.